An essay I wrote – about traveling with a child with a seizure disorder – is going to be included in the staged reading , Healing Voices, held at Enlow Hall at Kean University on Friday, April 12th at 7pm.  The script is arranged and directed by John Pietrowski, Artistic Director of Writer’s Theatre of New Jersey, and is compiled of prose,  poetry, and scenes written by people who are in caretaking positions.

With my current work in drama therapy and as a playwright,  this project is meaningful to me as it highlights the healing power of sharing our stories, both for the writer and the audience.  Many of us find ourselves in caretaking roles at some point in our lives, and this event honors that experience. 

Healing Voices On Stage: Caregivers Stories is a theatrical project weaving together stories about the experience of being a caregiver – whether it’s taking care of a loved one who is seriously ill, working professionally with patients at a healthcare facility, or going through the transition of becoming the caretaker of a parent. Unlike most plays, this script is based on the writing of people who have lived these experiences. This program is a partnership between the Alliance, Premiere Stages at Kean University, and Writers Theatre of New Jersey.

For reservations call (908) 737-4077 or email